Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pucon: Day 2 & 3


RELAXATION AND REJUVENATION! Not much to report about this day. We spent the entire day bundled up and reading in the rain. We went out for lunch at a great little pizza place after browsing through some shops. After seeing a few things around town, we headed back to the cabin to veg some more. It was a well needed break from real-life.

PUCON: DAY 3 "Dieciocho" 18 of August - Chile's National Independence Day

The one day that was partly sunny and no rain - IT WAS PERFECT!

Greg and the boys headed 10 minutes up the mountain to the active volcano "Villarica" to ski down the side of it. Pretty cool. Skiing on an active volcano.

The guys were intending to rent chains for the truck tires, but when they went to the rental place, they were told that they wouldn't need them. So they headed up. About 3 minutes from the ski place, they started sliding. They slide down hill sideways on a very narrow road surrounded on either side by deep ditches, into oncoming traffic. They were able to get turned around unscathed and found another rental place that put chains on their tires. They made it the rest of the way easily with chains on.  

You see the 'cloud' above that mountain? It is actually gasses from the top of the volcano. 

Andrew and Alex on the tiny little lift. They said it took forever because it was so small. They had to wait in line a lot.

There was a fun area that was built up for doing tricks. There is lots of GoPro video of the kids snowboarding on rails and jumping off ramps. 

Andrew is in red

Alex in black

They said it wasn't the greatest ski hill they've been to - but it was wicked cool to snowboard on an active volcano. 

It was such a beautiful day, that when they got home, they drove me up to see the volcano. I've never seen an active volcano - I thought it was pretty "wicked cool" too!

You can see the gases really well in this closeup shot:

And don't let the sunshine fool you - it was bitter cold! My eyes were watering in this picture:

The boys were sizing each other up after that last photo when their dad mentioned that Alex may be just as tall as Andrew.

Oh, and Scooter got to see the volcano too!

We headed back home and Greg started up the grill. It was Independence Day after all and Chilean tradition requires Choripan! YUM!

Alex entertained and befriended three cats that came with the house. They didn't like our dog, so they couldn't come inside (besides, mom's allergies and cats don't get along). Alex made sure they felt loved even though they were outside. He fed them daily and even named them.
I think there was a Mowerton, I'll have to ask Alex the other names...

While the boys were off snowboarding/skiing I found time to read one of three books that I would get finished that week. Sweet, Quiet, English-Speaking, Bliss....

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